School starts on Tuesday 25th February. Please note Monday 24th February is a staff training day.

Yeading Junior School

Learning, Working and Achieving Together


Yeading Junior School has a great belief in the importance of working in partnership and developing networks and encouraging relationships to flourish within the community and the local area for the benefit of all children and families.


The school has become a Centre of Excellence for Personal Finance Education and links directly with Pfeg (The Personal Finance Education Group).

We are the original hub for YCS (Yeading Cluster Schools) and continue to work and lead on a range of projects and activities.


We value the importance of working with the following partners: our local higher education college and the local universities. The school has in fact established a strong partnership with Buckinghamshire New University which has brought a  range of benefits to children and parents.  Yeading Junior School has a student social work unit on site located in our “ Community House” adjacent to the school.

The “community house “ is a venue for engaging with numerous local groups and activities for the benefit of parents and in turn the children.  Programmes developed within the house have had a direct impact on our children’s learning and well –being.


Yeading Junior hosts a schools wellbeing and health promotion group. Through our work with The Schools Community Cohesion Partnership we have been instrumental in the development of a schools community choir across a number of schools. We also work closely with Hillingdon Inter Faith Network and support the organisation and development of the primary events and activities.


The school works in effective partnership on a range of projects with Yeading Library.
Our partnership activities grow and develop continually – we link with sports team/groups; sports coaches; music groups; environment groups; charity organisations and more.