School starts on Tuesday 25th February. Please note Monday 24th February is a staff training day.

Yeading Junior School

Learning, Working and Achieving Together

Trips and Visits

Trips & Visits


At Yeading Junior trips are a fundamental part of all children’s development. This is because:

  • They provide practical memories and experiences 
  • They offer real-world experience of the subject
  • They improve the classroom environment
  • They improve peer relationships and teacher - pupil relationships
  • They build confidence and develop independence
  • They inspire


In addition our trips focus on character building; providing experiences that take your child out of their comfort zone. These are essential for personal growth and developing an appetite for trying new things. 


Our aim:

  • Six trips, visits and experiences each academic year
  • Children will visit a place of worship learnt about during their Religious Education curriculum each year
  • One trip per year will be character education focused
  • All children will attend school residentials in year 5 and year 6
  • Trips, including residential trips, will not cost more £300 over the four years your child is at Yeading Junior School
  • 50% subsidy for voluntary contribution for Pupil Premium Children


How you can help:

  • Parent volunteers - we need our community support for trips 
  • If you can please make voluntary contributions for trips as without these we may not be able to provide the planned experiences for your children.
  • If you have any concerns speak to us as early as possible so as we can work together in the best interests of our children

