School finishes on Wednesday 24th July at 1:45pm

Yeading Junior School

Learning, Working and Achieving Together

Physical and sensory Needs

Physical and Sensory Need

Physical and sensory needs cover a wide range of medical conditions in addition to those mentioned above. Some children with physical disabilities may be very cognitively able so the levels of support must be tailored to a person-centred needs analysis of each child’s needs and preferences, taking into account the views of children and their families.


Provision/Strategies applied at YJS


  • Seated near front of class with clear view of teacher’s face and any visual material used
  • Instructions delivered clearly 
  • Check the lesson content has been understood, particularly when delivering new information, instructions or homework; and/or using unfamiliar vocabulary
  • Repeating / rephrasing pertinent comments made by other pupils ensuring the student accesses those comments
  • Be aware the student may use lip-reading and visual clues to support their hearing. Ensure that they are face on when you are giving instructions. Try not to move around the room whilst talking
  • Be aware that during P.E. or Games lessons it will be more difficult to follow instructions and make adjustments to deliver instructions
  • Words spoken on an audio/visual recording may need a person to repeat what is being said, provide written copy and/or use subtitles
  • Carpeting, soft furnishing, rubber feet on the table and chair legs etc. will reduce noise
  • Seat away from any source of noise e.g. window, corridor, fan heater, projector, the centre of the classroom
  • Encourage good listening behaviour: sitting still, looking and listening
  • Encouraged children and young people to ask when not sure what to do
  • A quiet working environment, particularly for specific listening work, reducing background noise and provide a good acoustic environment 
  • All staff who work with a learner with HI should be made aware how best to support in school
  • Adults working directly with child with HI to have appropriate training i.e. British Sign Language (BSL) if applicable
  • Staff to work together with other professionals to share strategies and advice to support the child
  • Appropriate safety and evacuation procedures are in place.
  • Staff to work together with other professionals to share strategies and advice to support the child
  • Reading apps
  • Support in lessons to provide verbal description 
  • Talking equipment for life skills / curriculum activities
  • Support to promote full social inclusion and to develop social skills
  • Support in practical lessons for Health & Safety
  • Staff to work together with other professionals to share strategies and advice to support the child 
  • Moving and handling training
  • Accessibility planning
  • Provision of accessible transport
  • Reasonable adjustments in line with the Equality Act 2010
  • Support equipment such as lockable medicine cabinets, first aid bags, fridges
  • Rotated medication / care training
  • Liaising with specialist colleagues for up to date training
  • Clear bereavement training and policies
  • Regular home school contact when/if learner is not in school to maintain ‘sense of belonging’ with peers and school community.
  • Individual health care plans
  • Sensory breaks
  • Flexibility with uniform policy
  • Consideration to the environment e.g. noise, room temperature, visual stimuli, proximity
  • Flexible approach to transitions e.g. between lessons and to and from school
  • Access to a safe haven.