School starts on Tuesday 25th February. Please note Monday 24th February is a staff training day.

Yeading Junior School

Learning, Working and Achieving Together

PE and Sport Premium

Physical Education and School Sport                                                               

At Yeading Junior School are committed to High Quality Physical Education and School Sport. We provide 2 hours per week of high quality Physical Education concentrating on Physical Literacy through Gym, Dance and Multi Skill activities during curriculum time.  This is complemented by active playtimes and extra-curricular activities including a fitness club, inter-school sports tournaments, gymnastics and an array of other sporting activities. Our aim is to give to every child the opportunity to develop a healthy, active lifestyle and we value & recognise the importance of their physical, mental and social well-being.


For the next 3 years we welcome the School Sport Premium funding of £10,459 which will enable us to improve all teachers’ subject knowledge and expertise within Physical Education. We are part of SHSSN (South Hillingdon School Sports Network) which enables us to have weekly access to a P.E. specialist teacher and the opportunity to take part in inter-school, as well as intra-school competitions. We also have “taster” sessions arranged for a range of different sports with local club links.​

Children from Yeading Junior School have participated in the following competitions:
Sportshall Athletics

BMX biking
Tag Rugby


Yeading Junior also run a successful Change 4 Life club, encouraging all children to be active and lead a healthy life style.

For the last 5 years Yeading Junior has been awarded the 'Gold Kitemark' for their achievement in sport by Sainsbury 's School Games.


A comprehensive Physical Education is being delivered at Yeading Junior School. The impact of the programme is measured by the positive result in participation and enthusiasm, seen throughout the school, by staff and pupils. 

We have on our governing body, Bev Thomas, who recently retired as PE advisor for the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea thus equipping her to comment on the PE syllabus and to keep the school abreast of national guidelines.

Ms Thomas is also a working member of AfPE, London Advisory committee, whose brief is to ensure that schools are kept up to date.


“I have on several occasions assisted and advised staff at School Sports Days and have taken part in a charity run at the Olympic Stadium.”

“On my bi-weekly visits to Yeading Junior, I am always impressed by the children’s enthusiasm and knowledge of national sporting events gleaned from various media resources. Many of them speak of their future ambitions in the world of sport.”


The impact of the Sports Premium on children

Children have expert teaching and can access a wider curriculum offering opportunities to participate in a variety of competitions and sports festivals. The children also engage in disability sports such as Boccia and have qualified sports coaches from local clubs come into the school and deliver taster sessions. These taster sessions often lead on to friendly competitions between local schools.
Sports participation is enhanced by offering a Change for Life club, where inactive children have the opportunity to play fun, non competitive games. Last year we have over 75% of the school participating in extra-curricular sports clubs.
The standard of PE is sustained by working along side Alan Watson, re-writing schemes of work and improving the quality of teaching throughout the school, boosting other teachers confidence by using effective strategies when delivering a lesson. Children are encouraged to keep track of their 'personal best' and to assess and encourage each other.


Throughout the year, pupils are offered extra curricular clubs, competitive opportunities in a wide range of sport and training to become play leaders which, is delivered by our Year 5/6 School Sports Organising Crew, complying with standards set by Sainsbury's School Games Gold Kite mark.
