Yeading Junior School
Learning, Working and Achieving Together
The local offer provides information for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their parents/carers. It allows families to see what they can expect from a range of local agencies and how to access them. You can access the Hillingdon local offer via this link;
For further information about the SEND Local Offer please ring the Families Information Service on 01895 556489 or email us on https://
For any SEND related concerns you can contact the school office at; and request Ms Shezide (BA, MA Educational Psychology, NaSENCO) or Mrs Din (Deputy SENCO) to contact you.
Teaching Learning and Communication
Aspects of structured teaching are used according to child needs e.g. visual timetables, clear concise instructions with written or visual prompts (e.g. now and next cards), particularly during transitions.
Children are given time to process information before being asked to respond.
Tasks are broken down into small manageable steps. These steps are shown explicitly.
The pace and order of activities is relevant to maintain interest and attention of all child’s. Key information and strategies are shared with all relevant members of staff e.g. Student Passport.
Modelling is used to aid understanding.
Visual/ audio demonstrations and visual cues/ audio commentary are used.
Key vocab is displayed with visuals.
Study skills are explicitly taught. Children have access to homework clubs, or additional support with homework.
Children are appropriately supported to access homework.
Teachers’ handwriting on the board and in child’s’ books is clear and legible.
Interactive whiteboard is used to effectively promote engagement and scaffold the lesson.
Children & young people can record their work and respond in a variety of different ways.
Strategies are used to actively promote independent learning e.g. through pre-teaching, overlearning, appropriately adapted resources, where required.
Seating plans and groupings take account of individual needs and routinely provide opportunities for access to role models, mixed-ability groups structured opportunities for conversation and sharing of ideas and access to additional adults where needed.
Use of additional adults is planned to maximise their impact on learning.
Strategies are used to build and maintain positive relationships across the whole school community (e.g. Restorative Approaches)
There are opportunities to develop peer awareness / sensitivity and support for different needs and disabilities both in and out of the classroom.
Seating plans and groupings take account of individual needs and routinely provide opportunities for access to role models, mixed-ability groups structured opportunities for conversation and sharing of ideas and access to additional adults where needed.
Use of additional adults is planned to maximise their impact on learning.
Strategies are used to build and maintain positive relationships across the whole school community (e.g. Restorative Approaches)
There are opportunities to develop peer awareness / sensitivity and support for different needs and disabilities both in and out of the classroom.