School starts on Tuesday 25th February. Please note Monday 24th February is a staff training day.

Yeading Junior School

Learning, Working and Achieving Together


The World Wide Web is a valuable resource for people to get information, share and communicate and it can be accessed through a number of different devices such as computers, smartphones and even games consoles. As these technologies are constantly evolving, children and adults alike must understand how to stay safe when they are online.  

At Yeading Junior School, ICT is used in the classroom to support the children’s learning. We have embedded online safety into our Computing curriculum so that the children recognise how they can be safe online. To safeguard the children at school, LGFL (London Grid for Learning) provide appropriate filtering and monitoring on all school equipment. However, should the children see any inappropriate content online, they should approach a trusted adult to discuss this. The children also understand the importance of privacy and know that they must keep personal information to themselves. We teach the children that they should speak to a trusted adult regarding any forms of bullying, including cyberbullying. 


Here are some useful websites and leaflets to support online safety at home:

Following LGFL guidelines, Yeading Junior School has a number of Acceptable Use Policies regarding the use of the Internet and any other IT facilities and equipment at the school. We attempt to ensure that all students have a good access to digital technologies to support their teaching and learning so that our pupils become responsible users. We take every reasonable precaution to keep pupils safe online and prevent pupils from accessing inappropriate materials.


As the parent/ legal guardian of the pupil at Yeading Junior School we hope you can support the school by promoting a safe and responsible use of the Internet, online services and digital technology at home.

Should you ever have any concerns, please speak to the school.
