School opens Wednesday 4th September at 8:35am. Gates open at 8:30am

Yeading Junior School

Learning, Working and Achieving Together

Projects and Activities

Year 6 Leavers Fest

Lots of fun was had at the Leavers Fest. We had a game of rounders and of course football. The children enjoyed    dancing and there were glitter tattoos as well. Plenty of snacks were consumed including marshmallows.

Year 6 Careers Fair

Year 6 children had the opportunity of meeting professionals from a arrange of industries including Aviation, Banking, Fashion, Teaching, Policing, Sporting and Brunel University. 

Sports Day

The children enjoyed a variety of activities on sports day and followed our character virtues of team work and resilience.  All houses competed well with each other.  The winning House will be announced  on once the next 3 weeks house points have been added up.  We will  announce the winning house in the last week of term.


Yeading Cluster Event at the Beck Theatre

Yeading Junior School participated in the ‘Together We Can Make A Change’ event at the Beck Theatre.

This event brought 7 Yeading Cluster Schools together working with the local community.  The varied   performances were fabulous and it was a great pleasure to watch children from different ages                      working together.  The event showcased the difference each school has made locally and globally by embracing key values and supporting people within these communities to flourish.   Well done children!



Year 5 and 6 Campover

Year 5 and year 6 had an amazing time at their residential! Year 5 participated in high rope climbing and really challenged themselves. Sleeping overnight in tents on the field and smores by the campfire was an experience they will never forget! 

Year 6 showed much endurance on their hike to Northala Fields and back on the first day, followed by camping overnight with a disco and movie and of course snacks - a lot of fun was had. On their day at Queen Mary sailing club they showed the most amazing resilience and teamwork navigating paddle boats and wetsuits! We know that everyone had the best sleep once they got home after that!


Big Community Clean Up

A very big thank you to all the parents and children who helped clean up the school field on Friday 19th April.  The field is an improved space ready for use and the children will benefit thoroughly from this.  It was good to see so many parents keen to support the school.


Big Community Field Cleanup

Author Visit

On Monday 4th March the children enjoyed an assembly led by  Sharlene-Monique, London based singer-songwriter, author and broadcaster.  She spoke about the importance of reading and shared her new book called ‘A New Life’.   This inspirational story focused on the Windrush generation and was a true representative of our Character Virtues of determination and resilience.


Christmas Disco

Cultural Event

Interfaith week took place on the week of 13th November, we celebrated that day by inviting all  pupils to dress up in their cultural attire, and what a wonderful sight it was! We were fortunate to have Reverend Vanessa and Father Peter from St. Edmund's Church to speak to the children about community cohesion. We then had cultural dances of Bhangra, Bollywood, Somali dance, and traditional Tamil. This was then followed by a spectacular fashion show, a celebration of cultural wear from all around the world. We thank you for your support! 



Anti Bullying Week

Sports Day

The children enjoyed a variety of activities on sports day and followed our character virtues of teamwork and resilience. 

All year groups performed really well and represented their 'House' with pride. 

Yeading Junior SPELLING BEE

 What an absolute buzz at our first ever Spelling Bee! The children worked hard to practise their spellings and were awesome in the final rounds! Well done to all the finalists for getting that far! They have all earned points for their houses and should be very proud of their efforts​. Our winners:

Year 3—Diya—Owl    

Year 4—Sana—Dove                                                                                                                                     

Year 5—Hanshikha—Dove                                                                                              

Year 6—Arthana –Owl                                                                                                          

Each winner won 250 points for their house! Superb job everyone!


Skipping Sikh workshops

How exciting to have the Skipping Sikh deliver some workshops on Thursday 14th July with the children.  The Skipping Sikh was awarded an MBE from King Charles III for his inspirational work during the pandemic.


Brunel University Workshops

Some children from Year 4 attended the interfaith workshops at Brunel University as a part of the Yeading Cluster Schools initiative. Children from other schools in the cluster attended the event giving them an opportunity to showcase teamwork and engage with children from different schools.  The main aim of this workshop was to            promote respect, equality and diversity.


Year 6 Drumming/Art Workshop

Year 6 had an exciting opportunity to learn some new skills.  An Artist/drummer was invited to teach the children some professional drawing techniques including shading.  They also practised some drumming skills focusing on different beats and rhythms.  The children thoroughly enjoyed the sessions and outcomes were great.




Financial Education Metro Bank lessons

All year groups received ‘Money Zone’ lessons from Metro Bank as part  of the Financial Education curriculum.   Children had the opportunity to learn about savings, borrowing, interest and needs and wants.  This interactive lesson was designed to raise awareness on the importance of saving money and the risks of borrowing money.  



Yeading Junior School Summer Fayre

Spelling BEE

World Book Day 2023

Friday the 3rd March we celebrated an exciting World Book Day! The children and staff made a magnificent effort with their costumes this year! We launched our celebrations in the morning with a World Book Day quiz and shared the love of reading - staff volunteers shared their favourite books and we had our very own resident author, Mrs Taib, speak about the inspiration for her children's book - Billy's Brilliant Family. Each class was also given a gift of reading to be opened and shared together.


The day was fully immersed in reading activities including Buddy Reading with partner classes and DEAR (Drop everything and read) We held a 'Best original costume' competition and there were some fantastic costumes seen. The winners received a prize and certificate in our afternoon celebration assembly. Throughout the day, classes were also very busy with designing their classroom doors as a book cover of their choice. The doors looked amazing and the winning doors have received great prizes as well! We hope you enjoy looking at the lovely mementos of the day!

The Big Read

Brunel Young Scholars Programme

We are very excited and privileged to be chosen as a pilot school for the Brunel Young Scholars programme targeted at Year 3/4 and 5, headed by Professor Valsa Koshy and Dr Henrik Blank (Brunel University)

The programme grants children access to targeted materials designed to raise aspirations, intellectual confidence and ultimately improve life chances for primary aged children in Year 3/4 and 5.  The Brunel Scholar Programme benefits all children and is designed to be inclusive and accessible.

The children have received an academic journal called Eureka Explorers containing tasks and mathematical activities designed to develop and promote skills such as curiosity, critical thinking, maths literacy and many more. Children will receive regular issues of the magazine until the end of the year.

On Thursday 8th December we will be taking part in Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper Day.   This year Save the Children will accept a minimum of £2.00 donation to help transform the future of children in the UK and around the world.  The children can wear a Christmas Jumper instead of their school jumper/cardigan.

Please click on the link below to make a donation


All monies raised will go to Save the Children and will help make sure every child, no matter where they are born, has essential items like food, water and a safe place to sleep at night. 

If you would like to find out more about Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper Day, please go to

Queen's Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

The school celebrated the Queen's Platinum Jubilee on Thursday 26th May which will be followed by an Art Festival on Tuesday 14th June in the school hall.  The children celebrated the Platinum Jubilee with singing, dancing and an outdoor lunch celebration.  During assembly the children heard from Mary O’Connor (past Mayor of Hillingdon) and Minreet Kaur (daughter of the Skipping Sikh).  The guest inspired the children and spoke about British values and how they have helped during the pandemic.  Mary O'Connor shared her experience of receiving  her MBE from the Queen.  The Skipping Sikh also received an MBE from the Queen.  


Easter Assembly

The whole school enjoyed an Easter assembly presented by class 5DK.  The children showcased their theatrical skills by reciting the Easter story through narrative text and a podcast recording.  They also sang beautifully demonstrating pride and teamwork throughout their performance. 


World Book Day

We celebrated World Book Day on Thursday 3rd March.  The children looked wonderful in their costumes and represented a variety of characters from different books.  During the day children enjoyed a range of activities and spoke about the importance of reading.


Year 3 Pedestrian Training

Year 3 participated in pedestrian training led by officials from the London Borough of Hillingdon.  The training focused on promoting and encouraging road safety including active and sustainable travel. During the training  children reflected  on the dangers of oncoming traffic along with understanding and dealing with hazards.  Children were also encouraged to use designated pedestrian crossing at all times.


Christmas Festivities

The children have been busy enjoying Christmas festivities in a safe way at school including a Christmas lunch, Christmas Jumper day, movie afternoon and Year 3 and Year 5 have worked on their individual Year groups performances.  Well done to all the children for working so hard this term.  We wish you and your families a very Happy Christmas and New Year.

Christmas Jumper Day 2021

We raised £268.00 for Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper Day.  The funds raised will help  transform the futures of children in the UK and around by ensuring that children receive basic essentials, such as food, water and a safe place to stay. 

Thank you for your kind  donations.


FSCI Christmas Box Appeal

We supported the FSCI Christmas Box Appeal and pledged to help spread joy to hundreds of vulnerable children and families in South East Europe who face isolation and poverty at this time of the year.  The children were asked to create Christmas boxes for families who were less fortunate and many struggling for basic needs.  FSCI are an organisation helping to fight poverty and prevent modern slavery through their Houses of opportunities.  They support many families, young people, elderly and orphanages.  Yeading Junior School is proud of the children’s commitment to this project.  The school collected 167 Christmas Boxes. 

Celebrating Interfaith Week

To celebrate Interfaith Week we worked with 5 other schools from Yeading Cluster to produce materials on equality and diversity issues within the community.  Children focused the importance of respecting others from all faiths.  We have produced a short video celebrating the diverse community we live in.    Please click below to see the video:


Helping the Community 

On Thursday 30th September the school collected hundreds of items for the Hayes Town Salvation Army who provide essential support for the homeless/refugees including emergency food, clothing and housing advice.  The items collected will be distributed to the homeless and refugees coming from Afghanistan into our local area.

We thank the whole school community including the parents for their tremendous support and generous donations.

Year 6 Leaver's Fest

The Year 6 children enjoyed an afternoon of fun, food and games to celebrate their new adventure to high school.  We wish them all the success for the future.  

Sports for Champions

On Tuesday 20th July the school welcomed Luke Lennon Ford to the school.  

In 2010 Luke Lennon-Ford made his first senior international, the World Indoor Championships in Doha and won gold and silver at the European under 23s sprinting event.  He then pursued his training with Linford Christie and in 2012 he became an Olympian.

Luke delivered circuit training sessions for all the children in school.  The children showed great determination to complete the circuits and had the opportunity to be inspired by an Olympian!

Year 6 End of Year Production 'Shakespeare'

Interfaith projects

The story circle project follows out of the main Heartstone exhibition events and reaches children in groups age 9-12. It uses Heartstone stories - literatures, photo documentary, history - as a vehicle through which to generate discussion and debate, helping to develop literacy, confidence and self-esteem as well as critical thinking in the most impressionable years. The project provides an innovative route for children to understand intolerance due to background, race/cultural differences, faith, disability and gender.

Currently five children from 5DK have read the story and are working on art pieces and poems, which will be presented in July to the Heartstone founder, Sita Kumari, via an online exhibition.  The school is working in collaboration with Yeading Library.

Sing Education

The children have enjoyed a variety of high energy interactive music lessons from Sing Education who will be our new music provider. 

Sing Education provide a unique learning experience for the children exposing children to a wide variety of musical instruments reinforcing children’s confidence and wellbeing.  Children have given very positive feedback from their lessons.

Southwest Festival

ShoutWest was developed in partnership with Hillingdon Community Cohesion Partnership, Brunel University. The festival aimed to open the world of creative writing, books and libraries for children.  The event gave children the opportunity to focus on creative writing and meet authors/illustrators in person.

The Year 6 children had the opportunity to meet the author Sara Grant who gave an insight into her journey of becoming an author.  Children have created some exceptional pieces of writing from this event. Children also worked with Mo O’Hara.

Intergenerational Programme

The Intergenerational programme with Northwood Live at Home scheme continues via an online platform.  Children in Year 6 have been attending a ‘Meet and Mingle’ session with the members.  The main focus has been on wellbeing and creating conversation whilst sharing experiences over lockdown.  The sessions have been very successful allowing the different generations to work together and tackle aspects of loneliness within the community.  The children will also be learning how to crochet as a part of this project.

Food Collection for the Homeless

 The school has managed to collect a total of £1048 items for the homeless .  The donations will go to the Hayes Town Salvation Army food bank who work very closely with homeless people and families in need in Hayes, Hillingdon and Uxbridge area. Thank you to the parents and children for your wonderful donations!

The whole school community have pulled together to show compassion and respect for the people struggling in these unprecedented times.    


Thank You Letter Competition

The school participated in a ‘Thank You Letter’ competition hosted by the Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtue, Birmingham University, entitled Grateful Britain.  We are delighted to announce the winner of this competition was from our school, Suwaiba from Year 6.    Meanwhile, Nithaya, Layan and Mahathi were selected as runners up for the competition.  Altogether they have won £750.00 worth of book tokens for the school and a prize for themselves too. This creative writing activity presented the children with the opportunity to think and reflect on people who have helped the nation during this global pandemic.  The children whole heartedly embraced this opportunity and creatively associated our Character Virtues to individuals and showed how the virtues can be used in difficult situations.  Please follow the link below to see the Jubilee Centre page where we are published.



Year 3 Art

Year 3 Christmas Performances

Year 3 have been busy preparing a short performance focusing on ‘Christmas Around the World’.

In their class bubbles the children explored how Christmas is celebrated in Australia, China, Mexico and Spain.  The children examined the unique ways in which the same festival is celebrated differently.  They enjoyed looking at the festive foods, dance and stories and respected the diversity of this festival.  The information was presented beautifully through poems and sign language.  The confidence the children showed was impeccable.

Well done Year 3 for your great performances.

Year 3 Christmas Performances

Year 5 Christmas Performances

Classes in Year 5 worked independently to create a piece of drama focusing of the message of Christmas.  They incorporated our Character Virtues of showing compassion and respect and shared a very positive message of the importance of volunteering.  They highlighted the fact that Christmas was a time to help others and presented their drama pieces with great confidence.

Well done Year 5

Year 5 Christmas Performances

Children in Need


On Friday 13th November we will be supporting the  BBC Children in Need Appeal.  Children can wear something 'spotty' or 'brightly coloured' on this day in exchange for a minimum donation of £1.00 via the link below:


All the donations will go to support thousands of children and provide them with essential support and care.

Thank you for your support!


Summer Reading Challenge

Every year the school takes part in the Summer Reading Challenge allowing children to explore different text and enjoying reading over the summer holidays.  This has always been a popular initiative in the Borough of Hillingdon and this year there is an online version available for children to take part in.

Please click below for the 'Silly Squad' Summer Reading Challenge. 

World Book Day 2020

We celebrated World Book Day on Thursday 5th March.  The children looked wonderful in their costumes and represented a variety of characters from different books.  In class, children focused on the importance of reading and participated in various activities enhancing their reading skills.

Financial Education

Year 3/4 participated in Money Zone sessions delivered by Metro Bank.  The aim of the session was to increase awareness of saving money, earning interest and engaging in activities which differentiated between 'needs' and 'wants'.  Children thoroughly enjoyed learning about financial education and engaged well with each and used teamwork to think of money saving ideas.  

Intergenerational Programme


Year 5 and 6 children performed a dance to the hymn ' Amazing Grace' at the Northwood Live at Home Scheme.  The dance was a apart of a celebration event focusing on the importance of Black History Month.  We continue to work with the elderly through IPad training and other initiatives throughout the year.     




Thirty one children from Year 6 gained level 1 and 2 in Bikeability.  The training was provided by the local authority to promote safer cycling practices.  Our children did extremely well and were all accredited with certificates as well as badges.  Well done children!

FSCI Christmas Box Appeal


Children at Yeading Junior School supported the FSCI Christmas Box Appeal and pledged to help spread joy to hundreds of vulnerable children and families in South East Europe.   This was a whole school project and we are very proud to announce that 180 Christmas Boxes were successfully created by the children which will be transported to refugee camps and children's orphanages in Europe. 

Birmingham University


On Friday 4th October, six children attended a #iwill Ambassador event at Birmingham University.  During the morning children engaged with other schools and produced some work around social action.  One of the children had the opportunity to speak about her experience at the City Hall and conclude the themes discussed.  She spoke confidently and eloquently and referred to Youth leadership and the importance of equality in society.   

Homeless Collection


The School has collected over 500 items for Hayes town Salvation Army who provide essential support for the homeless including emergency food, clothing and housing advice.  Thank you to all the parents and children who have supported the homeless campaign and shown compassion towards the homeless.

City Hall London


On Monday 23rd September, some Year 5 children attended an #iwill workshop focusing on the role of young people in addressing London's challenges.  The children had the opportunity to showcase the social action we have been involved in along with exploring new ideas and campaigns.  

Team London and WE Schools were present and commended the children on their confidence, professional mannerism and the ability to speak up in front of adults in the Moyor's Chamber.

Year 6 Production of the Lion King


The Year 6 production of 'The Lion King' was impressive.  The quality of acting was truly comparable to the West End!  Children spoke with great confidence, showing resilience and pride throughout the show.  They really did embrace our Character Virtues and through teamwork and determination produced an outstanding piece of work.

Mini WE Day at Yeading


On Wednesday 3rd July,  Yeading Junior School hosted a Mini WE Day.  This event celebrated all the social action the children have been engaged in and to shared the impact of their volunteering through local and global activities.

As well as a musical extravaganza led by our children from school, they participated in drama and presentations.  They raised awareness of social action locally and achieving personal goals.


The atmosphere at the event was electric,  special guest included the WE Schools team, Anthony Bennett, Abiola Bello-Author, PC Emma Reed-Metropolitan Police and many other inspirational speakers.  Also present were Barnhill Community High and Chen Wang who showcased her beautiful voice to perform opera.

The Mayor of Hillingdon, Cllr David Yarrow and the Mayoress were extremely impressed with the performances.   

Together We Can Make A Change - Beck Theatre


Yeading Junior School participated in a high quality event at the Beck Theatre on Wednesday 19th June 2019. 

The event brought 10 Yeading Cluster Schools together working with the local community.  The varied performances we fabulous and children from key stage 1,2 and 3 performed.  The event showcased the difference each school has made locally and globally by embracing key values and supporting people within these communities to flourish.

Yeading Junior school performed a combination of singing, dancing and drama.  Their performance was enjoyed by all and the feedback we received from the crowd was exceptional.



#iwill Youth Action Day


On Thursday 5th of June the Special Agents of Change together with some parents took action to improve the environment around the Community House.  They worked very hard all morning gardening and planting flowers.  Lavender and Geraniums were chosen to populate the bee community as they have a great impact on the environment.  According to research the numbers of bees have declined significantly affecting the reproductions of flowers and plants.  It is hoped that this will attract more bees and insects allowing more pollination to occur and help the environment around the Community House blossom and bloom again.

Jubilee Centre Birmingham University


Mrs Jones represented Yeading Junior School  at the Jubilee Centre, Hub of Character Education, Birmingham University on the 10th May 2019.  'Character is like a stick of rock; it has to run through all of what you do implicitly and explicitly'  


  • CNN – My Freedom Day CNN News visited the school to film in conjunction with the WE organisation, on #My Freedom Day, 14th March.  Five, Year 6 children previously appeared on the WE Day stage and spoke in front of 12.000 young people undertaking the retelling of Iqbal Mashi’s story about modern day slavery.  The children and the school were followed by CNN during WE Day UK and #MyFreedom Day.  Year 4,5 and 6 took part in my freedom Day and participated in singing, dancing and drama.  It was an amazing experience and the school received recognition in international news and social media.  It was very interesting for the children to see how live television in broadcast and for them to hear the correspondent speak to a presenter in Canada.  Children intently watched the crew work together.  We have received fantastic feedback from CNN, WE Schools and all the visitors present.

Partnership Projects


Yeading Junior School is working in partnership on projects with the following organisations:

  • New Bucks University London Borough of Hillingdon- Social Work Students are on placement in the student unit.
  • Brunel University- Value Based Education
  • Team London – Children take part in the City Pitch and other projects
  • Yeading Cluster Schools- Yeading Cluster Schools (YCS) is made up of ten schools based in Hayes who have formed a cohesive alliance to deliver projects across a number of subjects benefiting children, families and the community.
  • Ecole Jean Moulin – Children from Yeading visit France for the day engaging with French children.  Ecole Jean Moulin children visit Yeading and join in with the learning. 
  • UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools – Yeading Junior is a Rights Respecting School
  • Northwood Live at Home Scheme- An Intergenerational programme aimed to improve communication between the two generations.  Children assist the elderly with Ipad training.
  • Yeading Library- working closely with Yeading library and promoting reading at all levels
  • Classics for All
  • Strong and Active Communities (Hillingdon Council)
  • Chance for Children Trust –  Support troubled children through arts and music.