Yeading Junior School
Learning, Working and Achieving Together
Year 6 Leavers Fest
Lots of fun was had at the Leavers Fest. We had a game of rounders and of course football. The children enjoyed dancing and there were glitter tattoos as well. Plenty of snacks were consumed including marshmallows.
Year 6 Careers Fair
Year 6 children had the opportunity of meeting professionals from a arrange of industries including Aviation, Banking, Fashion, Teaching, Policing, Sporting and Brunel University.
Sports Day
The children enjoyed a variety of activities on sports day and followed our character virtues of team work and resilience. All houses competed well with each other. The winning House will be announced on once the next 3 weeks house points have been added up. We will announce the winning house in the last week of term.
Yeading Cluster Event at the Beck Theatre
Yeading Junior School participated in the ‘Together We Can Make A Change’ event at the Beck Theatre.
This event brought 7 Yeading Cluster Schools together working with the local community. The varied performances were fabulous and it was a great pleasure to watch children from different ages working together. The event showcased the difference each school has made locally and globally by embracing key values and supporting people within these communities to flourish. Well done children!
Year 5 and 6 Campover
Year 5 and year 6 had an amazing time at their residential! Year 5 participated in high rope climbing and really challenged themselves. Sleeping overnight in tents on the field and smores by the campfire was an experience they will never forget!
Year 6 showed much endurance on their hike to Northala Fields and back on the first day, followed by camping overnight with a disco and movie and of course snacks - a lot of fun was had. On their day at Queen Mary sailing club they showed the most amazing resilience and teamwork navigating paddle boats and wetsuits! We know that everyone had the best sleep once they got home after that!
Big Community Clean Up
A very big thank you to all the parents and children who helped clean up the school field on Friday 19th April. The field is an improved space ready for use and the children will benefit thoroughly from this. It was good to see so many parents keen to support the school.
Author Visit
On Monday 4th March the children enjoyed an assembly led by Sharlene-Monique, London based singer-songwriter, author and broadcaster. She spoke about the importance of reading and shared her new book called ‘A New Life’. This inspirational story focused on the Windrush generation and was a true representative of our Character Virtues of determination and resilience.
Cultural Event
Interfaith week took place on the week of 13th November, we celebrated that day by inviting all pupils to dress up in their cultural attire, and what a wonderful sight it was! We were fortunate to have Reverend Vanessa and Father Peter from St. Edmund's Church to speak to the children about community cohesion. We then had cultural dances of Bhangra, Bollywood, Somali dance, and traditional Tamil. This was then followed by a spectacular fashion show, a celebration of cultural wear from all around the world. We thank you for your support!
Sports Day
The children enjoyed a variety of activities on sports day and followed our character virtues of teamwork and resilience.
All year groups performed really well and represented their 'House' with pride.
Yeading Junior SPELLING BEE
What an absolute buzz at our first ever Spelling Bee! The children worked hard to practise their spellings and were awesome in the final rounds! Well done to all the finalists for getting that far! They have all earned points for their houses and should be very proud of their efforts​. Our winners:
Year 3—Diya—Owl
Year 4—Sana—Dove
Year 5—Hanshikha—Dove
Year 6—Arthana –Owl
Each winner won 250 points for their house! Superb job everyone!
Skipping Sikh workshops
How exciting to have the Skipping Sikh deliver some workshops on Thursday 14th July with the children. The Skipping Sikh was awarded an MBE from King Charles III for his inspirational work during the pandemic.
Brunel University Workshops
Some children from Year 4 attended the interfaith workshops at Brunel University as a part of the Yeading Cluster Schools initiative. Children from other schools in the cluster attended the event giving them an opportunity to showcase teamwork and engage with children from different schools. The main aim of this workshop was to promote respect, equality and diversity.
Year 6 Drumming/Art Workshop
Year 6 had an exciting opportunity to learn some new skills. An Artist/drummer was invited to teach the children some professional drawing techniques including shading. They also practised some drumming skills focusing on different beats and rhythms. The children thoroughly enjoyed the sessions and outcomes were great.
Financial Education Metro Bank lessons
All year groups received ‘Money Zone’ lessons from Metro Bank as part of the Financial Education curriculum. Children had the opportunity to learn about savings, borrowing, interest and needs and wants. This interactive lesson was designed to raise awareness on the importance of saving money and the risks of borrowing money.
World Book Day 2023
Friday the 3rd March we celebrated an exciting World Book Day! The children and staff made a magnificent effort with their costumes this year! We launched our celebrations in the morning with a World Book Day quiz and shared the love of reading - staff volunteers shared their favourite books and we had our very own resident author, Mrs Taib, speak about the inspiration for her children's book - Billy's Brilliant Family. Each class was also given a gift of reading to be opened and shared together.
The day was fully immersed in reading activities including Buddy Reading with partner classes and DEAR (Drop everything and read) We held a 'Best original costume' competition and there were some fantastic costumes seen. The winners received a prize and certificate in our afternoon celebration assembly. Throughout the day, classes were also very busy with designing their classroom doors as a book cover of their choice. The doors looked amazing and the winning doors have received great prizes as well! We hope you enjoy looking at the lovely mementos of the day!