School finishes on Wednesday 24th July at 1:45pm

Yeading Junior School

Learning, Working and Achieving Together

Spencer West visits Yeading Junior School

Spencer West visited Yeading Junior School to share his incredible journey, spreading the message to our children the importance of being resilient, determined and compassionate.


Spencer West is not only an advocate for Free the Children, but a top-ranked public speaker who captivates his audience with charisma every time he shares his experience of losing his legs at the age of five. His story not only informs others of the challenges he faces, but also the triumphs conquered on the way.

On arrival to the school, children welcomed Spencer West with a drama and musical performance focusing on the importance of volunteering and being an Agent of Change. This performance reflected our learning on Character Education at Yeading Junior School, and the Agent Codes we follow to make sure each child becomes an active and responsible member of society. At the end of our performance, a child from Year 6 presented Spencer West with an Agents of Change certificate and t-shirt.


After the performance, Spencer West congratulated the children on their performance and hard work relating to Character Education. He then went on to speak to the children about his journey and how he has used his life experience to make a difference around the world. He captivated every child in Years 5 and 6 when he spoke about his perseverance in successfully climbing to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro.

The visit by Spencer West was an amazing experience for everyone, and his words of wisdom will remain with us all. Yeading cannot wait for our next fundraising project, which will not only help others in our wider community, and globally, but also teach our children the vital values that will help shape them into wonderfully compassionate individuals.
