School finishes on Wednesday 24th July at 1:45pm

Yeading Junior School

Learning, Working and Achieving Together

School will reopen for all children on Monday 8th March 2021

Following the most recent announcement from the Prime Minister I am really pleased to inform you that children will return to school on Monday 8th March 2021.  We are very much looking forward to welcoming the children and are eagerly getting ready to greet them.

The school will operate in the same way as it did in the Autumn Term with all the adaptations to keep everyone safe. We will continue to have staggered start and finish times and different entry and exit points. All safety measures including frequent handwashing, regular cleaning and increased ventilation will be followed. We will continue with class bubbles and staff wearing face masks in areas where it is difficult to socially distance. 

School lunches will be provided by The Pantry.  Please book your child’s meals online as usual. Children may also bring a packed lunch from home.

The following is a reminder of what happened in the Autumn Term:

School drop – off times

Gate 1

Gate 2

Gate 3

8:35 am

Year 3


Year 4


 Year 5

Year 6






School collection time




3:05 pm

Year 3


Year 4


 Year 5

Year 6



Parent/ Carer Access

The front playground will be marked into different zones as before. There will be an area marked out where parents can drop their children off and pick them up at the end of the day. Please ensure that you do not gather at the school gate as we need to maintain social distance. Where possible we request parents to wear face masks when coming up to the school. As before we remind you that the office areas will not be accessible to parents therefore should you wish to make contact with the school please do so by telephone on 01895 462396 or email at 

Arriving at School

Children should arrive at their designated time and will be let through the designated gate as shown in the table above. If your child wears a face mask on the journey to school they will need to remove it before going to the classroom. In this instance they will of course need to have a bag to put the mask in.


We wish to limit the amount of equipment going between home and school and therefore request that children only bring a coat, packed lunch (if necessary) and a named water bottle.  Children will not be required to bring stationery to school as this will be provided in school. As before all school stationery will be given to the children on an individual basis.


Children will return to school in full uniform as previously.

Teachers will be in next week preparing for the return of all of the children on Monday 8th March.

Next week the school will continue to be open for vulnerable children and those who are children of critical workers alongside online remote learning for all other children.

Teamwork is one of our virtues here at Yeading Junior and I feel sure that through working together we will continue to provide a safe, happy and successful school.  We have really appreciated all of your hard work with the home learning over the lockdown period