School finishes on Wednesday 24th July at 1:45pm

Yeading Junior School

Learning, Working and Achieving Together

Help primary school children continue their education during Caronavirus (Covid-19)

Year 3 to 6 children

The best way to help children aged 7 to 11 learn is to:

  • give them support and direction, but encourage them to do work independently too
  • include active and practical things, rather than trying to make them sit and work for long periods
  • try to break down the work into shorter periods, based on how long they can concentrate
  • take frequent breaks
  • praise or reward them when they do well

To check if they are learning try to:

  • ask them questions as they go
  • talk about things they learned


Ask children to talk through what they have learned during the day and find time to talk with them more generally.


Talk to your child about what they are reading. This will help them understand what they have read and encourage them to read for fun.

Ask your child questions about what they are reading. For example:

  • ask questions that make them think about the story, such as how a character is feeling
  • ask them to tell you what has happened in the story so far

Libraries are currently closed, however, you can find digital services they are providing at Libraries Connected.


Try to help children practise their writing. Work from school may be sent digitally, but using pen and paper will help children be ready for when they go back to school.

Information for parents of year 6 children

Year 6 children (aged 10 to 11) should continue doing any work set for them by their school.

To prepare for going to secondary school this can be a good time for them to follow their own interests. For example, for:

  • history, by visiting the English Heritage website to explore England’s history
  • geography, by researching other countries
  • science, by finding out more about the human body on BBC Bitesize
  • art, by trying the activities on TATE Kids

Ask your primary school about how you can help your child prepare for moving up to secondary school.

Read advice for children of other age groups, and understand which children may still attend school.
