Welcome to Yeading Junior School

Yeading Junior School

Learning, Working and Achieving Together

Community House

Located next door to the school, Yeading Community House was first opened in February 2008.  It provides many opportunities for parents/carers and the community to engage in a wide range of courses and activities.


Please find attached the benefits of the Community House: Benefits-of-the-Community-House.pdf

Coffee Mornings take place every day and these provide a great opportunity to meet new people and find out about what is going on in the local community and in the school.  It also enables people to share their views and gather information on a range of topics.  Discussions at the coffee mornings also help to shape the programme of activities over the following weeks.




September 2023 - December 2023

Term time only



Coffee Morning

9:00 -10:00

To get information and advice re:FSM, uniform, parent pay account set up and school meals etc

Phonics Workshop

Start date: TBC






Coffee Morning

9:00 -10:00 



Phonics workshop

Start date: TBA




Drop in session

09:00 - 10:00

Free school meals queries




Grow Programme

9:15am - 11:00am

One to one support for parents to get back to work

Start: 20/09/23



Coffee Morning

9:00am - 10:00am

Secondary school admission queries

Mental Health First Aid course





Parenting Support Group

Invites only

Start date:TBC


Drop in session


Secondary school admission


Yoga Class

9:00 - 10:00




All courses/training are free for parents.

Community Interpreters Training
