School finishes on Wednesday 24th July at 1:45pm

Yeading Junior School

Learning, Working and Achieving Together

Project Evaluations

City Hall London

On Monday 23rd September, some Year 5 children attended an #iwill workshop focusing on the role of young people in addressing London’s challenges. The children had the opportunity to showcase the social action the school has been involved in along with exploring new ideas and campaigns. Team London and WE Schools were also present and commended the children on their confidence, professional mannerism and the ability to speak up in front of adults in the Mayor’s Chamber.


Homeless Collection for the Hayes Town Salvation Army

The school has collected over 500 items for the Hayes Town Salvation Army who provide essential support for the homeless including emergency food, clothing and housing advice. An emergency collection box is located in the school reception area all year round, allowing children and adults to donate throughout the year.


Birmingham University Visit

On Friday 4th October, six children attended an #iwill Ambassador event at Birmingham University. During the morning children engaged with other schools and produced some work around social action. One of the children had the opportunity to reflect on her experience at the City Hall and conclude the themes discussed. She spoke confidently and eloquently and referred to youth leadership and the importance of equality in society.



On Monday 4th November the school will be taking part in Bikeability which is a 4 day Safer Cycling Course run by Hillingdon Council for Year 6 children. At the end of this course children will receive Level 1 and 2 in Bikeability. The course focuses on safer cycling practices and is designed to increase safety awareness for children whilst cycling on the main roads. The course will be carried out outside of school grounds by qualified instructors form the council.


Gold Award for Sports

Yeading Junior School has received a gold level kite mark for sports again this year. This award recognises the many sports activities we offer the children and the quality of PE teaching in school. Sports ambassadors form Year 6 attended a sports training session at Barnhill High School focusing on possible sports games, play leader initiatives and how to challenge each other in P.E lesson.


10 Year Quality Mark for Basic skills

We have received our ten year Quality Mark. This mark is a national award given to schools who provide excellence in Math and English. We have maintained this mark for ten years and have been successful in providing high quality education.



WE Walk For Water

On Friday 27th April children from Year 3/4 and 5 participated in a charity walk to raise funds and awareness for the WE Walk for Water campaign.   This event also involved Yeading Cluster schools and it was great to see all the schools working in collaboration making us proud to be part of the Yeading community.   WE Walk for Water was later celebrated at Brunel University where the Mayor of Hillingdon was present to congratulate the children on their achievements.  The Mayor also commended the children on showing great compassion and respect to those who are less fortunate than us.

We raised £1011.00 from this event giving 60 people clean water for life.


Global Academy Media Project

The Global Academy Media Project aimed to develop inter-school working opportunities.

Selected children from Year 5/6 participated in this project.  The children worked on a 6 week programme to create a short video/audio package on the ten Character Virtues of Yeading Junior School.

Students from Global Academy visited Yeading Junior School for five weeks to work with the children.  We had the opportunity to visit Global Academy where the children were able to use radio and video equipment.  This session was thoroughly enjoyed by all as it gave the children access to learn about innovative technology. 

After the project was complete, the parents and children were invited to a showcase event at the Global Academy.  The children took to the stage and spoke confidently about their project. 



The children have helped produce ten separate videos expressing what the Character Virtues mean to them. 

There has been a great development of personal and social skills through working with a different generation making them more confident and developing stronger characters.

This project was entirely children lead. The children showed outstanding leadership and communication skills and helped produce a project on their perception of the Character Virtues. 

All parents enjoyed the showcase evening and praised YJS for their commitment to the children and the opportunities they offer to them.


Schools for Success

Mayor Sadiq Khan recognises Yeading Junior School for exceptional educational achievements

Yeading Junior School in Hillingdon has been celebrated under a new programme set up by the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, to recognise exceptional schools in the capital. Schools for Success is part of the Mayor's drive to help tackle education inequality and increase standards for all schoolchildren across the capital, whatever their background.

Yeading Junior School has been recognised in the Schools for Success Awards, because the school performed well as a result of the impetus of the school’s inclusion commitment which has had a sharp emphasis on the staff training and development of parental skills.  Together with the continuation of programmes to enhance children’s wellbeing and mental health the school has had a positive impact on raising achievement.


Be The Best You Can Be!

The Be the Best you can Be! Programme enables young people to discover and develop the unique potential within themselves and inspires, engages and empowers them to pursue and  fulfil their dreams.

Paralympian Ian Rose visited our school to speak to the children about motivation and determination.

There was a whole school assembly where Ian spoke about his personal journey and then he visited each classroom for aquestion and answer session with the children.


‘Count On Us’ Maths Club

A group of Year 4 children will be engaged in a new club at our school called ‘Count on Us’. This is an initiative led by The Mayor’s Fund for London.

‘Count on Us’ provides extra-curricular opportunities for children to increase engagement in mathematics. It aims to make maths enjoyable through the use of fun activities; and improve confidence towards learning as well as academic attainment.


Shakespeare School Festival at the Beck Theatre

Shakespeare for schools festival is the UK's largest youth drama festival, and work with over 1,000 schools and 150  professional theatres.

This year children from Years 5 & 6 rehearsed Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet’ and performed at the Beck Theatre.  Children performed with confidence and were praised highly by the audience.


Voice Box

At Yeading Junior school we believe it is vitally important that pupils have a voice. Each Year group has its own pupil forum made up of representatives from every tutor group.  They meet with the learning mentors at the school regularly. In this way concerns and ideas can be communicated between pupils and staff. The pupil forum representatives are elected by their tutor group. Once a term representatives from the pupil forum meet with the Head to discuss wider issues.

WE Schools

More than a one-day event, We Day is connected to the year-long We Act programme, which offers educational resources and campaigns to help young people turn the day’s inspiration into sustained action.
By taking at least one local and one global action, We Act helps children gain diverse skills and perspectives that challenge apathy and encourage active citizenship.

Agents of Change

Children are given the opportunity to share their commitment to volunteering and their aspiration to make a change. Children will act as catalysts to lead projects and inspire other pupils to take action on local community and global issues.  The children will have detailed knowledge about the ‘Agent Codes’ which encourages moral, social and spiritual development.

Financial Education

Through the introduction of the school’s own currency called the ‘Yeadoes’, children are able to learn about finance and the laws which governs it. Learning on ‘Loan Sharks’ is done in depth giving the children in all year groups a clear understanding of legal requirements and how financial difficulties can be avoided.


Inter-Community Project

Staff took part in a conference on Inter-Community Learning.
With our colleagues from Croatia; the Local Authority and lecturers from both Zagreb and Bucks New University we spent a day together reviewing the success of the collaboration.
It was an absolute delight to be able to present the innovative work going on in our project and know that it is being taken back to an international arena. The school also featured very positively in a brochure made by our colleagues in Croatia. It was quite fascinating to learn that our Community House has made such an impression.

There is soon to be a similar model in Croatia.

YJS has featured in the following publications
