School finishes on Wednesday 24th July at 1:45pm

Yeading Junior School

Learning, Working and Achieving Together

Yeading Junior School showcase their Learning to Chief Executives

On the morning of 15th October 2013, we welcomed Chief Executive of pfeg (Personal Finance Education Group) and Chief Executive of the Money Advice Service to our school.


The children were very excited about meeting the visitors and extremely keen to showcase their knowledge and expertise in Personal Finance.

An assembly was performed by the children focussing on topics around Finance such as how to manage your money, loan sharks & looking after your savings. During the assembly a group of children exchanged dialogue in French,Spanish and Latin which further showcased their outstanding ability.


At Yeading Junior School, the teaching and learning of Modern Foreign languages plays a significant part in the curriculum and children are learning at a very high level.
Ms Bleakley and Ms Rookes then went on to observe a lesson on Finance being taught to Year 6 children. Here, the children were engaged in money related activities delivered through the Literacy and PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education) curriculum.

Later, the visitors had a meeting with the children whom have been elected as the Board of Bank Directors at the Yeading Bank. These children have shown a keen interest in the business model of Banking and have acquired the skills to offer a service to the school. 
A group of Year 3 children spoke about the schools Yeadoes system and how it works.

The visit was a huge success and a real accolade for the children at  Yeading Junior School. The visitors admired the outstanding knowledge our children have on Finance and were very complimentary about the children’s attitude towards learning, their respect, manners and most of all their impeccable behaviour.


On the 12th September 2013, Yeading Junior School was once again  featured in the Daily Telegraph. The Year 6 students were pictured during a money lesson at our school.


